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Uterine fibroids are common, affecting up to 80% of women by the age of 50. They’re highly prevalent and are a type of noncancerous tumor in the uterus. Not all women with fibroids experience symptoms, but when they do, they're often tricky to deal with. But many women don't even...
Menopause affects every woman at some point and leads to various uncomfortable side effects and symptoms. Most people know about hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings, but not everyone understands the impact it has on your sex life. Sexual health is an essential aspect of many women's lives that...
Many options exist for birth control, so how do you choose? Effectiveness is vital in picking the right choice, but they’re only effective if you use them correctly. Remembering to take a pill daily isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for an effective, worry-free option, an intrauterine device (IUD) may...
Urinary incontinence, or UI, is an issue that affects both men and women – but it's more common in females. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, half of all women experience a UI at some point. Living with UI means you can't always make...
Most women experience pelvic pain at some point in their lives; it may be something that comes monthly with menstruation, or it could be a once-and-done acute problem that goes away without treatment. Pelvic pain can be scary, though, especially when it doesn't seem to let up no matter what...
According to the World Health Organization, endometriosis is a severe and chronic condition that affects 10% of women who are of reproductive age. It’s a relatively common condition that affects various aspects of a woman's life and can be extremely painful. One of the most challenging aspects of endometriosis to...
Sexually transmitted infections are harmful diseases that spread through sexual or intimate contact. Without treatment, STIs can affect various aspects of your health, including fertility, and can have long-lasting effects. Dr. Darin L. Weyhrich is passionate about preventing STIs and is concerned about your body and sexual health. He’s an...
Most women dread the thought of menopause; years of night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness aren't something anyone looks forward to. However, when you finally get through the struggles of menopause, you may think you're in the clear for OB/GYN exams. Although menopause marks a significant milestone, it doesn't...
American women are no strangers to urinary tract infections (UTIs). They drive millions of visits to healthcare providers annually in this country. And, as many as four in 10 women who get a UTI get another one within six months. With over two decades of experience, board-certified OB/GYN Darin L....
Undergoing a hysterectomy is a life-changing experience. It removes your uterus and possibly your cervix and ovaries. The loss of these organs triggers immediate menopause. However, a hysterectomy is rarely the first course of treatment, but there are times when it’s the best decision for your health. Darin L. Weyhrich,...
If you’re dealing with hot flashes and night sweats, you are most likely pretty miserable. Nothing is worse than feeling like your body is a private sauna with an unpredictable on-and-off switch or having to change your drenched sheets every morning. Unfortunately, these symptoms are extremely common when you’re in...
Choosing a birth control method can sometimes feel overwhelming. Maybe you’ve already tried the Pill but don’t like the daily regimen. Or you want something long-term but not permanent. How can you pick one? It helps to arm yourself with information about the different categories of birth control. Whether you...
Many women experience pelvic pain at some point or another, usually during their period or when ovulating. Though a common discomfort, you shouldn’t ignore your pelvic pain, especially if it’s a regular thing or affects your daily routine. Some types of pelvic pain need treatment; others don’t. Here, Darin L....
Uterine fibroids are extremely common. About 75% of women will experience them at some point. They’re benign (noncancerous) and range from symptomless to painful. You may not even know you have them unless they’re discovered by ultrasound. What happens if you get pregnant when you have fibroids? And if you’ve...
Urinary incontinence means that your bladder isn’t strong enough to prevent urine from leaking sometimes. If this happens to you, it can be highly embarrassing. You may have to check for the nearest bathroom when you arrive at a new location or carry spare underwear and pants in case you...
Sexually transmitted diseases haven’t gone away; they’re on the rise. Even though you don’t hear as much about the need to practice safe sex as you once did, they still present a very real risk to your health, and they’re one of the most common reasons to need a gynecology...
If you deal with consistently troublesome symptoms associated with your period, you may wish you could just remove your organs and end the problem. That operation — a hysterectomy — might be the right course of action, but it’s never the first choice. Sometimes, other options can work well to...
Menopause ushers in several classic symptoms as your body changes and adapts to a new normal. However, many of the changes attributed to menopause are actually associated with pre-menopause (also called perimenopause.) This transitional period lasts 4-10 years, during which your production of essential hormones like estrogen and progesterone declines. Technically, menopause...
If you have endometriosis, you may wonder how it will affect your fertility. This common condition affects more than 11% of women of reproductive age. In this condition, tissue similar to the lining of your uterus grows outside of it, often attaching itself to your fallopian tubes, ovaries, pelvic cavity, and other organs....
It’s an understatement to say that menopause can make you feel uncomfortable. The transition leading up to your last period is called perimenopause, which can last for 4-8 years. Some of the discomforts we often attribute to menopause are actually symptoms that begin in the perimenopausal period. While hot flashes...
Constipation is an uncomfortable but normal part of being human. The causes may include not drinking enough water, medications, or even temporary changes to your diet. However, constipation may also be a warning sign of a problem called uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids aren’t always a serious problem; they’re almost always noncancerous....
If you always have to make sure you’re not too far from a bathroom, you might have urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence comes in several forms, but they all have something in common: feeling like you can’t control your bladder. Although urinary incontinence is embarrassing, you don’t have to accept it. Darin L....
Prenatal visits are a major part of your pregnancy, and you’ll likely develop a close relationship with your doctor simply because you’ll spend so much time together. Prenatal visits are essential for your baby's and your health, and we screen for illnesses that could present problems without early treatment. Dr....
If you have heavy periods, you may feel overwhelmed by the condition. Menorrhagia — the medical term for heavy periods — can leave you feeling tied to your body’s needs. It’s common for women with heavy periods to need to change their pads or tampons as often as every hour....
If you spend your life looking for the nearest bathroom as soon as you arrive at a new place, you may be dealing with incontinence. Many women are surprised to discover that this problem is extremely common, especially as they age. Incontinence comes in a variety of different forms. Some simple...
If you’re experiencing menopause symptoms, you’re probably spending a lot of time looking for ways to ease the discomfort. Most women experience a combination of common menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes, among many others. Not surprisingly, they can really disrupt your life. You may have wondered if...
If you’re pregnant, especially if it’s your first, you may be nervous about childbirth. You’re certainly not the only woman who’s ever felt that way. But many women go on to have more than one child, so the fear is manageable. However, much of the fear surrounding childbirth is really...
If you have bleeding during pregnancy, it’s common to feel alarmed. But sometimes, bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is not necessarily a sign of trouble. Understanding the differences between “normal” bleeding or spotting and abnormal bleeding is essential, so you know how to react. Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy depends...
If you get a fever under normal circumstances, it’s not necessarily a sign that you need to worry. But when you’re pregnant, you may need to take additional precautions if you come down with a fever. A fever is a sign that your body is fighting an infection. But recent...
You may not know your blood type before you get pregnant, but you’ll find that it becomes very important once you become pregnant. It doesn’t matter if your blood type is A, B, or O, but the Rh factor, short for Rhesus factor, does. Your blood type may be followed...
If you think that pregnancy gives you the perfect excuse to sit on the couch, think again. It turns out that exercising throughout your pregnancy is not only healthy for you, but it’s also beneficial. While it’s true you may have less time and energy to exercise while you’re pregnant, there are...
If you haven’t recently been to the gynecologist, scheduling an appointment is a good opportunity to get your questions answered. At Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, we welcome any question you might think to ask, no matter how intimate or embarrassing it might seem. Our team is professional and caring, which means we...
If you’re like most women, you’re probably so happy to be pregnant. Whether this is your first or fifth child, being pregnant always makes you feel special. But one worry crosses most women’s minds: How are you going to survive being pregnant in the summertime? Fortunately, there are a lot...
Your doctor has mentioned that you have uterine fibroids, but what does that mean? And will they affect your fertility? That depends on a few factors. Fibroids range in size from tiny to large, and their size determines how much they impact you. Some may not cause symptoms at all but...
Every pregnancy is different — it’s normal for some women to go through their entire pregnancy from conception to delivery problem-free and for others to face a few challenges along the way. But if your doctor tells you your pregnancy is high-risk, you immediately enter a different category that requires...
You might think that leaking a little urine when you laugh is the price you have to pay for having a few kids and getting older. But the good news is — you’re wrong. You don’t have to live with urinary incontinence because treatment options are available. If you have...
Your hormone levels dictate how your body functions. When they’re well-balanced, you feel healthy, and everything works properly. But if just one type of hormone falls out of balance, you can feel like your overall health is suffering. That’s because when your hormones are out of whack, it can affect...
You probably expected pregnancy to be a time of joy, but if you get migraines, it can cast a shadow of pain and frustration over this happy occasion. Your migraines — which are often similar to menstrual migraines — are triggered by the change in your hormone levels. It’s one...
Everyone thinks that conceiving a child should be easy. You may assume that because conception is natural, it should be simple. If you’ve been trying to conceive a child and haven’t had any luck, you may wonder what is going on. One hidden cause of infertility that you may not...
Uterine fibroids aren’t fun, although they are usually noncancerous. They often cause troublesome symptoms like heavy bleeding and painful cramping. They can also press on your bladder, causing you to urinate more often. However, many women have fibroids and don’t even know it because they don’t cause symptoms, and they’re...
Menopause is one of the biggest transitions of a woman’s life. While there are many symptoms associated with menopause, a lot of the uncomfortable symptoms are actually symptoms of perimenopause. The period called perimenopause lasts for an average of 4-10 years before your last period. The transition to menopause is...
If you’ve ever laughed so hard that you peed your pants, you were probably embarrassed. But it’s not just something you have to accept as part of life. You may be prone to urinary incontinence, which means that you can’t hold your bladder, or you experience urinary leakage when you...
Breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your child. While it’s a natural process, the act of breastfeeding doesn’t always come easily. In honor of National Breastfeeding Month, we want to support you if you’ve decided on this feeding choice. Breastfeeding has many health benefits for both you and your...
You may think that a gynecologist is a specialist that you only need to see at certain points in your life, such as during pregnancy. However, establishing a relationship with a gynecologist is important for many reasons. In this blog, Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, whose OB/GYN practice in Boise, Idaho,...
Many women find dealing with their menstrual cycle to be challenging, and you might be one of them. You might even look forward to the end of your periods, which is a time called menopause. However, menopause also has its challenges. In this blog, Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, explains what...
Pregnancy is generally a happy time. But, if you’re pregnant in the summer, you may face some extra discomfort, especially if you live in an area that gets very hot. However, a summer pregnancy doesn’t have to be miserable. In this blog, Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, offers some suggestions about...
If you want to have a baby, there are some things you should consider before you get pregnant. Taking concrete actions before trying to conceive can greatly increase the likelihood that you’ll have a positive outcome — including having a healthy baby — which is the most important outcome of...
Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are very common for women. In fact, they’re the most common type of bacterial infection among women of all ages, and 30-44% of women will have a second one within six months of the first one. Common symptoms of UTIs are pain and burning when...
If you’ve had children, you’re probably familiar with sleep loss, and you were probably glad to see that time end. Unfortunately, menopause is another time of life that can be accompanied by sleep problems. While you may be tempted to ask the doctor for sleeping pills, there are better options....
Menstrual periods can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. About 3 out of 4 menstruating women experience some degree of physical or emotional discomfort associated with their periods. However, if you have severe pain, this might not be a symptom of premenstrual syndrome, or PMS. It might be due to endometriosis. In...
Millions of women live with incontinence, or the inability to hold their urine. Whether caused by the results of childbirth or menopause, incontinence is a common but often embarrassing problem. In addition to urinary leakage, many people also experience overactive bladder. Managing your incontinence can be a headache in the...
Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are common ailments for many women. A UTI typically occurs when bacteria enters the urinary tract through the urethra and multiplies in the blatter. An infection can occur anywhere in the urinary system, including the urethra, ureters, bladder, and kidneys. The symptoms often include burning...
October is national breast cancer awareness month. Except for skin cancers, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in American women. While many cases of breast cancer are caused by family history or genetics, a significant percentage of cases are caused by risk factors that can be reduced....
Hearing that your pregnancy is high-risk might be worrisome, even frightening. Every pregnant woman wants to come through the experience with good health for her and her baby. Most of the time, that’s exactly what happens. But, if your pregnancy is considered high-risk, there are factors that require close supervision....
Most of what you think about menopause usually refers to perimenopause instead. Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to menopause, the latter of which is defined by going 12 months after your last period. But perimenopause can last 4-10 years, as your body produces less estrogen and your...
Pelvic pain is a common complaint among women. It may occur on occasion or be constant. It may be related to your menstrual cycle or may have more serious causes involving your organs. Sometimes, pelvic pain is normal and nothing to worry about. In other cases, pelvic pain can be...
Thousands of couples struggle with the painful issue of infertility. It’s a relatively common problem, with nearly 10% of American women unable to conceive a baby within a year of trying. If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than a few months and haven’t had success, medical intervention may...
Choosing a method of birth control is an important decision for almost every woman of childbearing age. While most forms of birth control have an effectiveness rate of up to 99.9% against pregnancy when used correctly, a number of forms don’t offer protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Being knowledgeable...
Going to your first prenatal checkup is an exciting event. While you’ll have many more checkups throughout your pregnancy ― with the frequency increasing as you near your baby’s due date ― your first visit is one of the most important. Your first prenatal checkup will also be one of...
Hysterectomies are the second most common surgeries performed in the United States, with more than 500,000 performed each year. A hysterectomy is a surgery that removes the uterus, which is where babies grow. In some cases, the ovaries may also be removed at the same time. Women have hysterectomies...
When women consider family planning, many overlook intrauterine devices (IUDs). Myths still abound about the method, based mostly on outdated perceptions. Today’s IUD is nothing like your mother’s IUD from the 1970s. There are two types of IUDs in common use today, hormonal ― such as Mirena® and Kyleena® ―...
It may be tempting to skip your annual wellness exam, whether you’re feeling good and don’t think you need an exam or your life is just too busy. But, wellness exams are an integral part of maintaining your health and overall well-being, no matter how good you feel. Darin L....
If you’re nearing menopause, you’re probably prepared for several symptoms. Night sweats? Check. Hot flashes? Check. Weight gain? Check. But emotional changes, like anxiety and depression? Perhaps not. But, menopause can trigger several mental health issues, and they’re not always just because of your fluctuating hormones either. Dr. Darin L....
Medical professionals today don’t have a perfect understanding of why endometriosis develops, but they’ve observed certain markers in women who have it. Following are five factors that increase your chances of developing endometriosis. Genetics If you’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis, nature may have played a role. Genes from both your...
When you can’t conceive or take a baby to term, you may feel sad, discouraged, anxious, and defeated. While most discussion about infertility revolves around physical issues, it can take a toll on your mind, too. In this blog, Darin L. Weyhrich, MD, discusses some of the causes of infertility,...
Pelvic pain can occur anywhere below a woman's belly button and between her hips. It may include her abdomen, genitals, lower back, or organs around her genitals. Pelvic pain can be more than just uncomfortable. It might interfere with your intimate relationships and quality of life. For some, the pain...
Are you suffering some unsettling symptoms, yet are stymied as to their cause? Believe it or not, symptoms as wide-ranging as pelvic pain and pressure, constipation, long or unusually heavy periods, and leg or back pain can all be linked to an often-unconsidered problem: uterine fibroids. Most women have...
Pregnancy is a time worth celebrating, but it’s not without its challenges. Your body works overtime as it creates a new person, and almost everything that’s comfortable changes as your baby grows. Summer is already hot, and being pregnant then only magnifies the heat. While pregnancy during the summer months...
It’s objectively fun to watch medical mysteries unravel on TV. Fox’s House spun medical mysteries into eight seasons of prime-time television and multiple Emmy and Golden Globe awards. But while exciting to see on screen, medical mysteries are much different when they happen to you. Although House would have you...
Because we don’t talk openly about urinary incontinence (UI), it can make you feel like you’re the only person who suffers from it. You may feel embarrassed, ashamed, and alone. The truth is that you’re far from alone - it’s estimated that more than 17 million people in the US...
Uterine fibroids are growths in the walls of the uterus. Although these growths tend to be benign—not cancerous—they may cause some annoying symptoms, such as pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, or problems getting pregnant. When fibroids lead to symptoms, they may require treatment. A common form of fibroid treatment is a...
Every year in the United States, nearly half a million women have part or all of their uterus removed via hysterectomy, the second most common women’s surgery after cesarean childbirth. Hysterectomy surgery is so common, in fact, that about one in three women can expect to have one by their...
We've all seen heart attacks on TV and in the movies where a man clutches his chest and keels over. This might make for good drama, but it doesn't always reflect reality — especially when it comes to women and heart attacks. At his practice in Boise, Idaho, Dr. Darin...
As many as 1 in 10 women worldwide have endometriosis, a painful reproductive system condition that may impact fertility. While the cause of this condition is unknown, understanding how endometriosis may affect your own fertility can help you get pregnant, if that is your goal, and can save you a...
Uterine fibroids are surprisingly common. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, by age 50, between 70 percent and 80 percent of all women have at least one fibroid, but usually, they cause no discernible symptoms and require no treatment. In other cases though, uterine fibroids can cause...
Choosing a birth control method is a highly personal decision based on lots of factors. Obviously, it’s important to have a method that’s effective in preventing pregnancy. But it’s also important to select an option that’s easy to use, convenient and, of course, safe to use over a long period...
Women expect to deal with hot flashes and mood swings when they reach menopause. But most of the patients at our practice are taken by surprise when they struggle with these symptoms (and more) long before they enter menopause.Here’s the thing: All of the classic symptoms associated with menopause can...
When you and your partner decided it was time to start a family, chances are you believed — or hoped — you’d become pregnant shortly after you stopped using birth control. While many couples think they’ll be able to conceive relatively quickly, reality can be quite different. For about 60%...
Bleeding During Pregnancy: What's Normal? Most moms-to-be can agree that one of the incidental perks of pregnancy is not having to deal with a regular menstrual cycle. No unexpected early starts, no heavy bleeding, no expensive feminine hygiene products — in short, it’s a something of a dream come true....
After a long cold winter and a chilly spring, most of the people living here in Boise, Idaho, look forward to the arrival of summer, when long sunny days and high temperatures are the norm. But not everyone is equally intent on making time for fun in the sun. For...
If you’ve struggled to become pregnant after many long months of actively trying to conceive, it’s only natural to wonder whether you or your partner has an undiagnosed medical condition that affects your fertility as a couple.While it’s true that a significant number of couples eventually find out that low...
Pain, pressure, and cramping at the lower part of your belly is nothing to sneeze at. Even if you power through today, the radiating pain may return, wreaking havoc on tomorrow. For some women, the pain is severe enough to negatively impact their quality of life and interfere with daily...
The first thing you should know about exercising when you’re pregnant is that you should do it! Unless you’re experiencing complications, pregnancy is not a time, contrary to what you may think, to take it easy and forgo regular exercise. Even though you may feel lazy and tired as your...
Because most women work full-time as well as manage the home these days, and the symptoms aren’t limited to nighttime or weekends, menopause is probably more public than ever in the past. We can help you manage those hot flashes and other symptoms that can disrupt an afternoon meeting or...
Soon enough, you’ll have to wake up for midnight feedings and early morning diaper changes, so you want to sleep while you can. But pregnancy often has the unhappy side effect of insomnia. Up to 78% of pregnant women suffer from sleeplessness, and it’s completely normal. Normal or not, you...
You’re going to gain weight during your pregnancy. But how much is enough? Gain too much and not only is it hard to work it off after your baby is born, but it can also put you at risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. Be too conservative in...
I’m a 24-year-old, and I’ve always had extremely painful periods. My doctor told me that I might have endometriosis. What is it, and what can be done about it?Endometriosis is defined by having cells and tissue normally confined to the uterus (the endometrium) elsewhere in the body, usually within the...
My husband and I are thinking about trying to get pregnant in the next few months? Do I need to do anything to get ready for pregnancy?The basic goals of pre-pregnancy planning are to maximize your pregnancy chances and minimize potential health hazards to the fetus once you’ve become pregnant....
I’m a 62-year-old woman and a friend of mine recently had a heart attack. I smoke and I worry about my risks for coronary artery disease. Is there anything I can do?There are many ways to reduce your risk of coronary artery disease. One of the most important is to...
Can you tell me more about emergency contraception?Emergency contraception (EC) is a way of reducing the chance of pregnancy following an episode of unprotected (non-contracepted) intercourse. This can also include condom breakage or spillage.There are several regimens that can be used. Recent studies suggest that EC can be used within...
I’m a 48-year-old woman and my mother was recently diagnosed with osteoporosis. Is there anything I can do to decrease my risk?Osteoporosis is a significant loss of bone density which increases the risk of spine or hip fracture. About 15 percent of post-menopausal Caucasian women are affected. Most are without...
I am a 28-year-old woman. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for six months without success. Should I be concerned?Traditionally, infertility has been defined as one year of unprotected intercourse without conception; this affects 10-15 percent of couples during their reproductive years. In normal couples without...
I have a 14-year-old daughter. When should she start seeing a women’s health care provider?There are a few circumstances that would mandate a gynecology visit for young teenagers:if she was having very painful or heavy periods (changing pads more than once an hour during heavy flow days);if she had not...
I have a hard time remembering to take the birth control pill every day. Are there any new contraceptives out these days?There are three hormonal contraceptives that allow less frequent dosing and don’t require pill taking. All are combinations of estrogen and progesterone, and thus they share some side effects...